Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024

Trip to the elementary school of Peterborough

Today we walked a path with pretty trees that took 1h 30 minutes to visit the children of the elementary school and give them an insight into German children's books. In groups we told the children about books like: das kleine Ich bin Ich, der Regenbogenfisch, Weißt du eigentlich wie lieb ich dich hab? Each group went into 2 classrooms, ranging from kindergarten to 4th grade. The children listened enthusiastically and asked lots of questions about the books and Austria. Afterwards we left the books in the school library so that the children could look at them at any time.  We had a lot of fun and it was a wonderful experience to see the children so interested in something.
On the way back to our school we encountered a little frog that wanted to cross the road. Mr. Bayer,David and Jakob were nice enough to make sure that nothing happened to the little frog while he was crossing the road.


        Caroline Dangl

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